Hueston Woods State Park

My Amerithon – Week 33

Week 33 of my Amerithon (March 12-18) was enjoyable and the Ohio weather allowed me to get a hike in every day – from 4.7 miles to 12.1 miles. Here are a few highlights of the week.

Week’s total mileage = 52.13

Total mileage since August 1 = 1,934.7 miles. Broke through the 1,900-mile marker. Under 100 miles to the 2,000-mile goal.

Miles to the finish line = 1,586.3.  Made it under the 1,600-miles bar.

I am just over 363 miles ahead of pace to complete the walk in 2020.

All in all – a good week. I spend most of my miles walking the neighborhood. Virtually I am hiking southeast in Kansas toward Oklahoma, but it still looks like Ohio to my camera. Here are a few photos of my walks in Springboro.

The highlight of Week 33 was a short two-day, one-night trip that Rocky and I took to Hueston Woods Ohio State Park, near Oxford, Ohio. The 10 miles of trail twisting through the 200-acre wood were filled with the signs of early spring. Hueston Woods State Park is located around Acton Lake, which encompasses 625 acres and is approximately 30 feet at its deepest point. We enjoyed hunting for blue heron (saw five) and white-tailed deer (lots of tracks). But most of all we just enjoyed being together. My wife is amazingly special.

The American Discovery Trail travels through the park and we followed it as we made our way down the West Shore Trail. We stopped at the end of the park’s trail realizing that the American Discovery trail goes all the way to Limantour Beach at Point Reyes National Seashore in California. We did not think we had time to follow it all the way and make it back in time for dinner. The trails at Hueston Woods were is great shape even after a rainfall Monday night. The temperatures were a little cool, but once we started hiking it was quite comfortable. I had a great time.

Our Favorite Picnic Spot
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